Moore writes from Starrville, Smith County, Texas, about a recent letter received from W. F. Weeks about opportunities for hiring out slaves to do railroad and other work in the Houston area.
This tally of expenses and credits was prepared for William Lourd, an overseer for the Weeks / Moore family. It includes expenses for removing slaves and property from a Magill plantation to Mansfield in May 1863, as well as for recovering runaway…
Moore, writing from near Mansfield, asks Lourd on his next visit to the Magill plantation to "bring away all the slaves that you may think worth saving, leaving such only as you may think will stay and take care of the property."
Moore writes Allie from Mansfield about a letter he received from William F. Weeks dated St. Mary, Louisiana, July 20, 1863, stating that he had received his letter of the 7th written from Starrville (also mentioned in a letter he wrote to J.A.…
Writing from Gentry, Eaton (an overseer) reports that two of Weeks's brother's slaves, Antana and Ogust, have runaway. The rest of the family is doing well and "there is not so many sick Negroes as when you left." He sent the letter to Beaumont and…
Moore has received a letter from William F. Weeks about prospects in Houston, which have confirmed his decision not to move farther west or south unless the Mansfield area is invaded. He also discusses family business, including horses stolen by…
Writing from the "P House," Lilly and Maggie [M.S.W.] give updates on the area, including the actions of runaway slaves and the efforts to secure some of them in jails in Louisiana. Maggie expresses concerns about another Yankee invasion of the area,…
Writing from Parish St. Mary, he has apparently seen Mary Weeks at the home plantation, and reports that "this country is again virgually abandoned by our troops." He does "not know when I shall return to Texas. Say in about 3 weeks. Mean time one of…
Writing from Sun Flower Plantation, Ben Prescott, Moore's grandson, reports that "we expect to leave here for Texas about the last of the month as I hope by that time the health of the Negroes will admit of it. I have now on this place the measles,…
He is at a plantation near Mansfield, apparently, having come from Starrville where he was "drawn" by Ally's trouble. Maggie has induced him to stay there until John Moore can come down to visit so she can see both of them together. "My time is…