Browse Items (171 total)

Martin-Pugh Collection, NSU, A-17-b-Item343.pdf
S. C. W Rudyard, the Provost Marshal of Assumption Parish, Louisiana, describes charges against R. C. Martin, including his refusal to sign a loyalty oath and mistreatment of "his Negroes," who have been told that "if they did not obey his overseer's…

Requisition for Corn from WR Johnston, January 4, 1865, Pugh-Williams-Mayes Papers, Reel 7, Frame 282.pdf
W. R. Johnston, superintendent of the Confederate States Chemical Laboratory in Tyler, Texas, requests corn from Williams and Pugh, Louisiana refugees living in Cherokee County.

rusk_county_commissioners copy.pdf
These non-consecutive pages from the Minutes of the Commissioners Court in Rusk County between 1865 and 1869 show how the county dealt with changes wrought by emancipation. Prior to 1865, overseers were assigned to sections of public roads and the…

This item was added to this site using the Omeka API and a script called omekadd, which transforms YAML documents into JSON strings suitable for using with the API. As this Description demonstrates, the script can also convert Markdown into HTML for…

Special Orders for Colonel Lea, December 4, 1863.pdf
A special order directed to the Confederate engineer Col. Lea instructs him to take "the negroes in his charge" to destroy the railroad between Lavaca and Victoria. Detailed instructions about where to bring th enslaved laborers and how to equip them…

This affidavit by A. H. Abney, former agent of the State Military Board at the salt works at Jordan's Saline, certifies that he paid a Miss Sue Harrison $1800 in Confederate money and 3,200 pounds of salt "for the hire of negroes and teams in the…

This affidavit by A. H. Abney, former agent of the State Military Board at the salt works at Jordan's Saline, certifies that he paid a Miss Sue Harrison $1800 in Confederate money and 3,200 pounds of salt "for the hire of negroes and teams in the…
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