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Letter from R. R. Haynes to Pendleton Murrah, January 5, 1864
An old friend of Murrah’s reports on how his administration has been received in the state and on local developments in Marshall, which is now “filled with Govt functionaries, Govt details, and men, and families, whose misfortunes, have driven them temporarily among us, for safety, and protection.” The town’s ranks of unemployed army corps has also been swelled by “the removal of important Govt works from Arkadelphia, Ark., to that place,” though there has been some abatement of Refugees, however.
Haynes also shares the many complaints he has heard about Magruder’s recent call to impress slaves to fortify Austin. Local farmers are resistant to provide more enslaved laborers, having already complied with orders to complete the Pacific Railroad between Shreveport and Marshall and fortify other local towns. Haynes views these complaints as “evidence of a want of patriotism and all unjust,” but he warns that carrying out the orders may be impracticable.
R. R. Haynes
Records of Texas Governor Pendleton Murrah, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Box 301-44, Folder 10
Published here by W. Caleb McDaniel
January 5, 1864
This item is believed to be in the public domain. No copyright in the item is asserted or implied by its publication here.