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Drawing of Refugee Women Outside of Vicksburg
This artists’ sketch depicts Confederate refugees in the woods outside of Vicksburg and was published not long after the city’s fall. It shows women receiving letters about the fates of soldiers on the battlefield, while an African American woman stands off to the side caring for white children.
This artists’ sketch depicts Confederate refugees in the woods outside of Vicksburg and was published not long after the city’s fall. It shows women receiving letters about the fates of soldiers on the battlefield, while an African American woman stands off to the side caring for white children.
Illustrated London News, vol. 43, August 29, 1863, p. 216
Published here by W. Caleb McDaniel.
August 29, 1863
Courtesy of “The Civil War in America from the Illustrated London News”: A Joint Project by Sandra J. Still, Emily E. Katt, Collection Management, and the Beck Center of Emory University. Link to original item.