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List of Avery Family Servants
This list in the back of a volume kept by Sara Avery Leeds about her wedding gives the names of numerous “servants” who worked for the family before and after slavery. The earliest notations seem to have been made in 1885, but there are also annotations and lists dated as late as 1908. Of particular note are the names of slaves who accompanied the Avery Family during their refugee experience, as well as a list of servants (called “contrabands” in the document, perhaps sarcastically or perhaps in reference to freedpeople who had been located on the plantation during the family’s absence) who worked for the family after their return.
Avery Family Papers, Records of the Antebellum Southern Plantations, Series J, Part 5, Reel 11, Frames 988-991
Published here by W. Caleb McDaniel
ca. 1885 and 1904
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