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Letter from C. S. Longcope to Daniel D. Avery, June 12, 1865

CS Longcope to Daniel D Avery, Avery Family Papers, Records of the
Antebellum Southern Plantations, Series J, Part 5, Reel 11, Frames

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Letter from C. S. Longcope to Daniel D. Avery, June 12, 1865


Houston businessman C. S. Longcope, who knew the Averys while they were in Houston, reports on events in the city since the Averys returned to Louisiana.


Avery Family Papers, Records of the Antebellum Southern Plantations, Series J, Part 5, Reel 11, Frames 665-667


Published here by W. Caleb McDaniel


June 12, 1865


This item is published solely for personal research and nonprofit educational use under the terms of fair use. No copyright in the item is asserted or implied by its publication here.









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Houston, June 12, 1865

Hon D.D. Avery

Dear Sir

Since your departure, the enclosed letters have come to hand the which I trust will reach you at home. Ere long I hope to be relieved from all fear for the safety of the family.

Our town is met with excitement, plundering has not yet ceased. We look for a federal force in a day or two.

My especial regards to all whom I shall not soon forget. We may yet meet again & it is to [be] hoped under happier auspices. God help our poor country & our adorable countrywomen for the men have so acted (with of course exceptions) as to make me wish I was the owner of an “Island,” once more, to which I could & would retire.

You have a noble man for Governor. I have read his [add]ress. Should he be necessitated, and a subscription among his friends be necessary, subscribe & pay for me, not in my name, but as an old Texian and inform our old mutual friend “Lee,” who will pay him or I can deposit it in any house you may name in New Orleans.

Pressure of business engagements prevents my now giving you my views of our present status.

Inform Mr. Lewis, that since your departure, I have received $50 hire for the month of May & have paid the boys [exactly?] $2 leaving $48 subject to his order. By “Mr. Lee” I sent Mr. Nelson his [next?] [illegible] & have nothing to add. My present place of business is next to B. A. Shepherd’s, a very convenient office & large warehouse room.

I feel the necessity more than ever of devoting my remaining energies to the prosecution of business and am happy to say that now that I have openly renewed it, it has flowed in funding employment already to two assistant clerks.

I’m mentioning this, Dan A., believing that you have an interest in my welfare. If the authorities will allow, you may purchase s& have the schooner “[Chas Russel?]” with you for a cargo of salt and maybe your humble servant [will] be a passenger on board.

I shall never forget the kindness, nay the heartfelt sympathy, of your noble wife during the illness & death of my sweet babe, nor of the other immediate members of the family. Remember me affectionately to all, not omitting Mr. McIlhenny.

This was intended at the onset for a brief note, but I have lengthened it out, not I trust to that degree as to tire you in reading.

In haste,

I remain as ever,

Your friend, C. S. Longcope

I look for a line from your on your arrival at home.

June 18.

Since writing the foregoing several days have passed & until Mr. [Price?] presented himself, no opportunity has presented itself to forward your letter. I therefore entreat of the ladies, particularly, not to think I am unmindful, nor that absence has lessened my regard & esteem.

Various have been the rumours relating to your party causing no little [illegible] to your friends, but since hearing that you had left Niblett’s Bluff, all right, fears are allayed. We hope ere long to hear of the safe arrival of the family, & when [illegible] & [illegible] prompts a line from you, my esteemed friend, will be very acceptable. As usual I write in haste. Trust you will be able to decipher this.

Mrs Longcope joins in affectionate regards to all the family & [slaves?] [illegible words]. I expect that my invitation will be accepted by one and all. My kindest regards to Mrs. McIlhenny & also to Mr. McIlhenny, & should Mr. Lee be with you tell him I wrote to him directed to New Orleans.

Compliments to Mr Nelson & Lewis.

Yours as ever

C. S. Longcope


Avery Family Papers