Browse Items (171 total)

William Lourd to John C. Moore, November 29, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 238.pdf
Lourd reports on the conditions of some enslaved men who may have been impressed for military labor near Shreveport.

Balance Sheet of William Lourd, July 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 127.pdf
This tally of expenses and credits was prepared for William Lourd, an overseer for the Weeks / Moore family. It includes expenses for removing slaves and property from a Magill plantation to Mansfield in May 1863, as well as for recovering runaway…

WF Weeks to John Moore, September 27, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 585ff.pdf
Weeks writes from Texas about the condition of his crop and his contemplated plans to sell cotton in Mexico. He hopes that Moore will use his influence to secure Weeks an exemption from the impressment of his teams by "representing" to the government…

WF Weeks to John Moore, May 22, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 436-437.pdf
Weeks writes to Moore about the prospects of his crop being raised in Walker County, Texas, and his views about the best way to dispose of money on hand at a time when Confederate currency was rapidly depreciating. Weeks also appears to think that…

WF Weeks to Harriet Weeks, January 25, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 300-302.pdf
William F. Weeks conveys news to his sister of their mother's death, and also reports on his expected movements. While currently at his camp near Houston, he is leaving to "Judge Still's," where he had hired out some "negroes" that he wanted to move…
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