Browse Items (171 total)

Receipt for John Carlock acknowledging payment of 160,000 lbs of salt for "the hire of twenty-seven negroes and five wagons and teams for eight months at the State salt works in Jordan's Saline." Another receipt from 1865, not included here, records…

Receipt acknowledging payment of $70 in Confederate notes and fifteen sacks of salt (3,000 lbs) "for the hire of a negro man eight months in 1864" from S. C. Callicoate. Another receipt (not included here) from September 23 records payment of 2,060…

A receipt acknowledging payment of $2,000 in Confederate notes and four thousand lbs of salt "for hire of negroes and teams in 1864" from G. S. Lusk (?).

This affidavit by A. H. Abney, former agent of the State Military Board at the salt works at Jordan's Saline, certifies that he paid a Miss Sue Harrison $1800 in Confederate money and 3,200 pounds of salt "for the hire of negroes and teams in the…

This affidavit by A. H. Abney, former agent of the State Military Board at the salt works at Jordan's Saline, certifies that he paid a Miss Sue Harrison $1800 in Confederate money and 3,200 pounds of salt "for the hire of negroes and teams in the…

This ledger sheet for 1864 shows that Abney received a total $44,945.88 from the State Military Board to manufacture salt at Jordan's Saline; he spent all of it but about $63 on the hire of hands and teams. Named persons receiving payment in cash…
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