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John F Leigh to John Moore, October 30, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 198-199.pdf
Leigh informs his father-in-law about how he and his family have fared. Includes comments about his "negroes" and plans to hire them out.

Letters of Introduction for WF Weeks, October 9, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, 0000.pdf
These letters from Houston to recipients in Richmond and near Wharton introduce William F. Weeks of Louisiana. One explains that "Mr Weeks may wish to hire out some Negroes and we have recommended him to call on you thinking you might wish to rent…

WF Weeks to John Moore, October 3, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 185.pdf
Weeks reports on Moore's daughter's attempt to make arrangements for her "negroes" in Texas.

John Moore to WF Weeks, October 2, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 181-182.pdf
Writing from Mansfield to Weeks (in Houston), Moore reports of news that the federal troops sent to Berwick Bay are destined for Texas on the Red River. "Col. Offutt & the Prescotts are in the Parish of Sabine near Mary looking out for places for…

BW Howell to John Moore, September 25, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 177.pdf
Reports from Shreveport on prices of sugar and molasses, noting that "the market ... is quite limited." Also, "in regard to Texas, evry place of value seems to be taken so far as my observation and enquiries led in the section that I visited. There…

Allie to John Moore, September 22, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, 0000.pdf
She thanks him for his recent heartfelt sympathy on the death of her son. She expected Bud (William F. Weeks) to be back already and hopes the delay is not because of sickness. She hopes that Bud is able to persuade him "if possible to return hom. I…

WF Weeks to John Moore, September 13, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 164.pdf
He is at a plantation near Mansfield, apparently, having come from Starrville where he was "drawn" by Ally's trouble. Maggie has induced him to stay there until John Moore can come down to visit so she can see both of them together. "My time is…

Ben Prescott to John Moore, September 11, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 162-163.pdf
Writing from Sun Flower Plantation, Ben Prescott, Moore's grandson, reports that "we expect to leave here for Texas about the last of the month as I hope by that time the health of the Negroes will admit of it. I have now on this place the measles,…

Alfred C. Weeks to John Moore, September 10, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 160-161.pdf
Writing from Parish St. Mary, he has apparently seen Mary Weeks at the home plantation, and reports that "this country is again virgually abandoned by our troops." He does "not know when I shall return to Texas. Say in about 3 weeks. Mean time one of…

Lilly Moore and Maggie Weeks to John Moore and WF Weeks, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame156ff.pdf
Writing from the "P House," Lilly and Maggie [M.S.W.] give updates on the area, including the actions of runaway slaves and the efforts to secure some of them in jails in Louisiana. Maggie expresses concerns about another Yankee invasion of the area,…
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