Browse Items (171 total)

Receipt for Goods Purchased with Salt by Richard Pugh, 1865, Pugh-Williams-Mayes Papers, Reel 7, Frame 287.pdf
This account sheet shows that Richard L. Pugh, a Louisiana refugee, had purchased merchandise from the Chapell Hill Iron Works in Texas in 1865. He paid the company with salt, but still owed $500 for previous purchases.

Receipt for Hire of Slaves by John Williams, May 17, 1865, Pugh-Williams-Mayes Papers, Reel 7, Frame 290.pdf
This letter by John Williams instructs a Mr. T. Brady to deliver salt to Mrs. M. D. Wofford. The delivery relates to an arrangement Williams has made with Wofford and a Mr. McKeller concerning the hired labor of slaves named Aleck, Tyler (or Tyla),…

Receipts to RL Pugh for Payment of Tax in Kind, 1864 and 1865, Pugh-Williams-Mayes Papers, Reel 7, Frame 297.pdf
An account sheet concerning over $1300 worth of bacon and the payment of Pugh's tax in kind to the government Iron Works in Anderson County.

Requisition for Corn from WR Johnston, January 4, 1865, Pugh-Williams-Mayes Papers, Reel 7, Frame 282.pdf
W. R. Johnston, superintendent of the Confederate States Chemical Laboratory in Tyler, Texas, requests corn from Williams and Pugh, Louisiana refugees living in Cherokee County.

Four Hundred Wagonloads of Negroes, New York Herald, November 20, 1862.pdf
In this article, the New York Herald takes notice of a letter from Gen, Godfrey Weitzel to Department of the Gulf headquarters about "Four Hundred Wagonloads of Negroes" left behind by evacuating Confederates in Brashear City. Although Weitzel's…

WW White to John Moore, April 13, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 395.pdf
Writing from San Antonio, White informs he has received one of Moore's enslaved men sent by a Mrs. Gillmore, how has gone on to Laredo. White is willing to hire the man in San Antonio, and notes in a postscript that a Major Washington is willing to…

List of Slaves Owned by Estate of DW Magill, April 16, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 399.pdf
This inventory, drawn up by the estate executor John C. Moore, shows the names and ages of approximately 92 enslaved people: men, women, and children.

CC Weeks to WF Weeks, April 28, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 404-406.pdf
Weeks writes to his brother from near Mansfield about the difficulties he has had securing a contract to haul in Texas, as well as the troubles caused by the escape of three enslaved men while on the road to Moscow.

Certificate of Slaves Hired by WF Weeks to Railroad, May 18, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 429.pdf
This certificate, signed by W. W. Morris, General Superintendent for the Texas & New Orleans Railroad, indicated that Weeks and Alfred C. Weeks, his brother, had "sixteen (16) negro male hands between the ages of 17 & 50 years" at work on the…

WF Weeks to John Moore, May 22, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 436-437.pdf
Weeks writes to Moore about the prospects of his crop being raised in Walker County, Texas, and his views about the best way to dispose of money on hand at a time when Confederate currency was rapidly depreciating. Weeks also appears to think that…
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