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Maggie Weeks to John C Moore, [March] 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 3660000.pdf
In a brief note, Maggie Weeks, wife of C. C. Weeks, asks John C. Moore to lend her a mule for driving her carriage and hauling wood. She is "afraid the Yankees will get us & separate me from Charlie." She also writes about "three negro women & five…

CC Weeks to John C Moore, March 24, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 374-3750000.pdf
Weeks writes urging Moore to attend to the needs of his family. He has not been able to visit them in Louisiana because a contract he had been promised to haul to Shreveport fell through. He and his teams are now in Polk County working with the…

Agent to WF Weeks, March 25, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 376-3770000.pdf
C. E. Gregory, an agent for Weeks in partnership with John Mills, writes from Houston to update Weeks on arrangements he had previously made to hire out one or more of his slaves as coopers. A Major Richardson now says that "he does not expect to…

Letter from a Weeks Agent in Houston, February 28, 1864, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frame 3550000.pdf
A letter from a Mr. Mills to Weeks reports on the escape of two of Weeks's "negroes," one of whom was named Charles, from government service and their subsequent appearance on a Texas plantation.

WF Weeks to John Moore, October 14, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 201-202.pdf
Weeks reports from Houston on some arrangements he has made to hire out enslaved people and also discusses recent military movements at Sabine Pass and elsewhere. He also expresses his surprise at learning that "one of my negroes" was among "the…

Allie Weeks to John Moore, October 15, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 204-205.pdf
Harriet C. Weeks Meade writes to Moore about plans for removal from Starrville in Smith County to Freestone County in Texas. News about various family members also included.

WF Weeks to Allie Weeks, October 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 213-214.pdf
Writing from Navasota, Weeks updates Ally about the movements of Mrs. John F. Leigh and her slaves in Texas.

Allie Weeks to John Moore, October 31, 1865, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 216-217.pdf
Harriet C. (Weeks) Meade wonders why she has not heard from Moore and updates him on plans to move to Freestone County, where her "negroes" have been relocated.

Allie Weeks to John Moore, November 3, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 219-220.pdf
Harriet C. (Weeks) Meade again wonders why she hasn't heard from Moore and provides more particulars about the move of her "negroes" to Freestone County, though she has not yet heard from Mr. Rawlins about their arrival there.

Alfred C Weeks to WF Weeks, November 6, 1863, Weeks Family Papers, Reel 18, Frames 221-225.pdf
Weeks updates "Bill," presumably his brother about what he saw on a recent return to Louisiana and also discusses various arrangments for hauling cotton and hiring out slaves. Several named slaves are mentioned.
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